Analyzer | The Analyzer is the MPI program which is run together with the analyzed program |
Analyzer BlackBoard | Allows to use the Black board component, the event dispatcher, the reporting component |
Analyzer configuration | Analyzer components configuration utilities |
Collectors interface | Collectors related utilities |
Collectors | Collectors related interfaces |
MPI Profile | MPI Profile utilities and storing functions |
OTF2 Trace file generation | Implementation of OTF2 trace file creation |
Internal | Internal functions |
OTF2 Specific | Functions needed by OTF2 |
Rank analysis | MPI rank utilities and storing functions |
Sample Analysis | Basic implementation of a Collectors 's Analyzer |
Section group | Basic Renderer |
Time analysis | MPI time analysis utilities and storing functions |
Wrapped profile | Wrapped events duration profiling |
MPI communication matrix | MPI communication matrix structures and utilities Used by MPI_Report |
Dataset | Dataset structure and utilities |
Dataset List | Dataset chained list utilities |
Event dispatcher | Event dispatcher used by an Analyzer and associated with the input communication stream |
MPI Event class | MPI event class verification |
MPI Quadrant | [UNUSED] : MPI Quadrant |
MPI Report | Analyzer component for rendering reports and functions for wrapping calls to Report functions |
Measure Collector | Global structure used for storing MPI, connection info and the corresponding tools |
Meta data handler | Generic structure and utilities for storing Stream descriptor informations and hierarchical informations |
Rendering | Reports generation related utilities |
Data Renderer | Data rendering utilities for profiling data |
Grid handler | Grid handlers related utilities |
Grid Handler Color | RGB color utilities defined in Grid handler |
Output models | Profiling report output models |
Html model | Profiling report output generation in HTML |
Latex model | Profiling report output generation in Latex |
reST model | Profiling report output generation in reST |
Report | Reporting component |
Report node | Children nodes of a Report tree |
Report tree | Tree like structure (and its utilities) used in Report component, and containing Measure Collector modules (each of them being stored in a Report node ) |
Trace collector | Main component of the Analyzer |
Common | This module contains the Common part of MALP |
Binary Tree | This is the binary tree topology used by MALP for its internal communications |
Bit Array | This is a bit array data structure implementation |
Bloom Filter | A bloom filter is a compact probabilistic data structure where elements can be added and where element existence can be queried |
Buffered FIFO | This is an implementation of a Buffered FIFO data storage |
Internals | Not to be used directly |
Buffered LIFO | This is an implementation of a Buffered LIFO data storage |
Internals | Not to be used directly |
CRC64 | CRC64 Implementation |
Chained List | This is an implementation of a chained list data storage |
Internals | Not to be used directly |
Debug | Various debug utilities |
Hash Table | Hash Table implementation |
Accessors | Accessors functions (push, get, etc.) |
Init/Release | Initialization and release functions |
Internals | Internal Hash_Table functions |
Walkers | Functions that executes functions on elements |
Hash Tree (not used ?) | Hash_Tree |
Spinlock | This is a spinlock implementation |
Timer | This is a set of functions used to measure time precisely. This timer is process wide |
Utils | Various utilities |
Data Model | This module contains the Data_Model part of MALP |
Wrapped symbols | This section relates to "manually" wrapped symbols |
Wrapped Symbols footprints | These are wrapped symbols footprints |
IO Connector | This module contains the IO_Connector part of MALP |
IO Connector main | This the main of the IO_Connector program |
IO connector launcher | Reports generation related utilities |
Instrumentation | This module contains the Instrumentation part of MALP |
Sync Time | This module is in charge of synchronizing time between MPI processes |
Launcher | This part contains the description of the launcher part of MALP |
Parallel BlackBoard | This module contains the Pbb part of MALP |
Data Entry | Base piece of data |
Key entry | A Key_Entry identifies a set of Knowledge_System |
Knowledge system | This is a component specialized in data processing |
MALP blackboard | Main component of the Parallel BlackBoard , and a core component of a Analyzer BlackBoard |
MALP blackboard level | Not used, except the KS_ID macro |
Pbb workers | A Knowledge_System uses a set of Workers in order to process data in parallel |
Post Common | This module contains the Post_Common part of MALP |
Duration handler | This is a time duration post processing |
Red HT | This is a HashTable which is able to do reductions (parallel computation on a tree manner) |
Sample grid | |
Time grid | |
Virtual MPI | This module contains the virtual MPI part of MALP |
Internal use only | Internal use only |
Maps | Maps related utilities |
Partitions | Partitions related utilities |
Streams | Stream related utilities |
Getters | Getters on Streams |
Read and write calls | Read and write calls |
Streams Manipulation | Utilities for streams manipulation |
Wrapper | This module contains the Wrapper of MALP |
Function entry | Function entry |
Scripter | Scripter |
Wrapper main | Wrapper main |