98 #define EVENT_PACK_SIZE 8192
union defining which data can be contained into an event
uint8_t contains_metadata
Indicates whether the pack contains at least one MALP_EVENT_META event.
The event contains meta data.
uint64_t partition_id
The sender partition id.
Struct defining a pack of events.
Structure containing data related to a stream and intended to be sent as an event (see MALP_Trace_Eve...
struct Event_Locus locus
The event locator.
Structure defining a location for an event pack.
struct MALP_Trace_Event events[EVENT_PACK_SIZE]
The events.
Struct defining an event.
uint64_t duration
MALP_Trace_event_type type
The type of the event.
Structure defining event for wrapped symbols.
The event contains wrapped function informations.
uint32_t offset
The number of packed events.
uint64_t tid
The stream unique id.
enum defining event types
MALP_Trace_event_t event
The event data.
uint64_t timestamp
Creation date.
static const char *const MALP_Trace_event_type_names[MALP_EVENT_TYPE_COUNT]
List of string constants describing event types.
struct Pack_Locus locus
The pack locator.
Enter + Leave events for OTF2 compatibility.
The size of a pack of events.
The event contains MPI informations.
Struct defining a MPI event data.
Structure defining a location for an event.