uint64_t tid
id of the stream (see Stream_MGR_gen_id())
uint64_t omp_thread
OpenMP thread id of the source of the stream.
static const char *const Stream_type_names[MALP_TYPES_COUNT]
enum defining the type of the source of the stream
enum defining a stream event type
Structure containing data related to a stream and intended to be sent as an event (see MALP_Trace_Eve...
uint64_t partition_id
id of the partition (mpi program that the stream belongs to)
uint64_t mpi_rank
mpi rank of the source of the stream
Stream_type type
the type of the source of the steram
uint64_t start_time
time at stream creation
char hostname[32]
name of the host running the source of the stream
Stream_Descriptor_type desc_type
identifies whether this is a stream creation or release event
uint64_t end_time
time at stream release
uint64_t parent_tid
id of parent stream